Stories from the past
Wednesday, March 6, 1878
HOTEL FOR SALE Near the Depot, Eufaula.
I will sell the EUFAULA HOUSE, with or without furniture, and also stables, corn crib, sheds, etc., garden and lot containing about five acres. Cows, horses and wagons. There is on the place two good wells and a large cistern. All will be sold cheap for cash if applied for within 30 days. WILLIAM BERTRAM, Eufaula, Feb. 4.
THE INDIAN JOURNAL One year, postage paid, $1.50.
Published under a Charter from the Creek National Council, the Indian Journal will be devoted to the exposition and defense of the rights of the Indian people as defined by their Treaties with the United States; to the dissemination of correct information respecting their condition, and the state of public opinion among them, and the advancement in the arts, the customs and knowledge of civilized life.
Prince Bismarck has made a speech in the Reichstag, in which he said that he did not believe in a European war, as the Powers who opposed Russia would have to assume the responsibility of the legacy left by Turkey.
Germany was in favor of hastening the assembling of the Conference, which perhaps will meet in the first fortnight of March.
A special, dated Constantinople, 20th, reports the Czar has telegraphed that the Russians will occupy Constantinople if the Turks continue to delay signing the terms of peace, which include the cession of Armenia and the surrender of the Turkish fleet.
••••• 119 YEARS AGO
Friday, June 1, 1906
Carrie Nation dropped off in Eufaula last Friday and as a result of there being no saloons in which she might wield her famous hatchet, had to content herself with lecturing the men about the awful habit of using tobacco.
The spelling contest on that evening appealed to Carrie in a manner which caused her to give way. On invitation of Supt. Lester of the High School, the famous smasher appeared and made a short talk to the students. She told them that the reason she did so much smashing was that she would rather by the smasher than the smashed.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO
Thursday, February 19, 1925
Will Build City Hall on the Crabtree Property at North End of Main At a special meeting of the city council held here Friday evening, it was decided to purchase the property of Mrs. M.L. Crabtree at the north end of Main street as a building site for the city hall.
Architects are now busy making drawings, estimates, etc. of the new building, which will be submitted to the council at an early date.
SHERIFF KELLEY IS MAKING WHISKEY PEDDLERS SCARCE Sheriff Erv Kelley and deputies are making dispensers and peddlers of the forbidden corn juice scarce in McIntosh County.
His latest big catch in the liquor traffic and manufacturing was made Saturday, when Deputy Sheriff A.R. Kirkpatrick of near Hanna swooped down upon E.A. Poston and a man named Thomas in the extreme west end of the county and caught them full handed in making a run.
The men had a large copper still. Twenty gallons of whiskey was made and ready for the market, while 400 gallons of mash was just ripe for a big run.
••••• 80 YEARS AGO
Thursday, January 25, 1945
Draftees Leave City This Week For War Duty Wednesday, 30 McIntosh County youths left Eufaula for induction into the nation’s armed forces. The group went to Oklahoma City, and from there they will be assigned to various training centers.
Local Board to Meet Tuesday
Seventy McIntosh County me, who are registered in the selective service organization, have now been re-classified by the county draft board it was announced in Eufaula today.
Local Boxers Win Matches
The Eufaula boxers tied the strong Jones Academy boxing team at Jones 4 to 4 and beat Fort Smith boy’s club 4-3 in Fort Smith the past week.
D.C. Palmer is on Way Home
D.C. Palmer, member of the 45th division, is reported to be on his way home from the intense fighting in France, Mrs. Ruth Palmer, his wife, was notified this week.
Recently, D.C., who was a star football player with the Eufaula Ironheads in 1940, was decorated for bravery in action. He has been with the 45th division for more than three years.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Palme, who reside west of the city.
••••• 75 YEARS AGO
Thursday, December 29, 1949
Holiday Drivers Score One Death, Five Accidents New highway patrol unit stays busy
McIntosh county had its third traffic death of the year and five highway accidents during the rush of Christmas holiday traffic.
It was the busiest period for the Eufaula unit of the Oklahoma State highway patrol since its assignment here last August.
••••• 65 YEARS AGO
Thursday, November 19, 1959
Keith Burnham Resigns; Guiou Is New Treasurer At a special council meeting last night at city hall, the council received and accepted the resignation of Keith Burnham as city treasurer, and since the city cannot operate without a treasurer, immediately selected Robert Guiou to fill the unexpired term.
Guiou, a former school board member, has long taken an interest in civic affairs.
Burnham, former mayor of Eufaula, has served as city treasurer for some four terms.
Grace Named Liaison Engineer for Reservoir William Roy Grace, who has been elevated to the newly created post of liaison engineer on the Eufaula reservoir road relocation by Highway Director Lee B. Washbourne, has had 16 years of experience with Oklahoma road building activities.
Grace was upped from his position as resident engineer at McAlester, where he has been stationed for more than two years.
Prior to his McAlester assignment he was resident engineer at Sapulpa.
In his new position he will work with the U.S. Corp of Army Engineers to be n direct touch with their construction as it affects highways on the state system.
••••• 55 YEARS AGO
Thursday, March 5, 1970
Council Turns Down Mayor
With campaign time nearing, the City Council again refused to follow the recommendations of Mayor O’Reilly relative to garbage disposal and city water rate charges.
O’Reilly recommended that the trash-garbage service be changed so that each property owner and/or business establishment be given a choice as to whether or not to avail themselves of the service.
At the present time, each residential water user is charged $2 per month for service and commercial users at a higher rate.
Annual Boxing Tournament Begins March 9 The Annual Boxing Tourney, sponsored by the Eufaula Quarterback Club, will begin here at 7 p.m., Monday, March 9 though March 14 at the Cooper McClain Gym.
This is one of the oldest boxing tournaments in the state and each year attracts boxers from all over Oklahoma.
••••• 33 YEARS AGO
Thursday, April 2, 1992
Debbie Kelsoe Announces For District 15 State Representative I want to offer myself as your State Representative for District 15. I am Debbie Kelsoe, a lifelong resident of this district.
A top priority of mine will be listening to the voters. I want to be a true representative of the people of this district.
For those of you who don’t know me, I am the 37-year-old daughter of Bud and Rosalia Kelsoe of Eufaula.
I have two sisters, Betty Kelsoe and Patty Kelsoe Webster.
••••• 10 YEARS AGO
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Mother pleads guilty in child scalding case; father to stand trial A Checotah couple are alleged to have smoked marijuana in the early morning hours of May 25, 2014, and again around noon.
Investigators said that in between those hours, their then 2-year-old son was given a scalding hot shower that caused extreme burns over much of the body.
Deadly helicopter crash possibly weather-related Although it may be a year or longer before an official cause of the deadly helicopter crash in Mc-Intosh County on March 12 is released by investigators, an initial report indicates weather may have been a strong factor.
A storm front that would later bring rain was slowly moving into the area at the time of the crash that killed pilot Matt Matthews and injured nurse Kim Ramsey and paramedic Ryan Setzkorn.