Eufaula Fire Chief Chad French wasted no time in picking up a fire truck approved for purchase by the City Council at the monthly meeting on March 3.
The $111,000 vehicle, a 2008 E-1 Tanker/Pumper, was picked up Saturday from Diamond Rescue Supplies in Seminole, Texas.
French pleaded for the pumper truck at the council meeting, noting that it only had one operable pumper and it wasn’t reliable.
The council seemed poised to postpone the purchase, but after listening to a persuasive argument by French it was unanimously approved to buy the vehicle using funds from the city’s $500,000 CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) account.
After the truck was picked up, French went online to thank everyone.
“Just want to say thank you to everyone that supports our department, whether it is by donations or by just saying thank you for what we do.
“I know all volunteers across the country appreciate their communities supporting them. I’d also like to thank our city manager and city clerk for working with me to make this purchase go smoothly, and I cannot forget the biggest thank you to our city council for approving this purchase, investing in our department and the safety of our community.”
The vehicle, which has 14,000 miles on it, serves as both a tanker and a pumper.
“Anything over 1,000 gallons qualifies as a tanker. Our truck holds 1,054 gallons. So it’s a normal pumper to fight fire with, but it can also be utilized as a tanker. It has a 1,250 gallon per minute certified pump, but it actually pumps 1,560 gallons per minute during the pump test, which means it is a strong pump and can put more water on the fire,” French said.
“It has a 330 HP max force engine with a five speed automatic Allison transmission. It has an automatic dump valve that you can open while inside the cab or at the rear of the truck when you’re filling a dump tank for large fires.”
The truck has been completely refurbished.
It has a new Whelen light bar, newTecNiq Emergency body lights with auto sync, new Tec-Niq stop/turn/tail/and back up lights, new Tec-Niq pump panel lights, compartment lights, new LED rear scene and Hose bed lights, new fire tech scene lights on telescope poles. “All of the lights come with a lifetime warranty except the light bar and it comes with a five-year warranty,” he said.
It has six new tires, a federal PA 300 series siren with air horns and a federal Q siren and on spot automatic tire chains – “In the event we get snow or ice, you flip a switch, and the chains automatically engage underneath the tires so that you have traction.”
It also has all new class one gauges for the pump, which are designed for fire service use, and known for their durability and accuracy.
“They also meet NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) standards. It also has a drop tank bracket that will hold our drop tank, which until now, we have had no way to transport it. So this truck is and will be a great asset and investment for our department and community,” French said.
“Once we get it outfitted with all the equipment, we will put it in service. My goal is to have that completed within the next couple of weeks, possibly sooner. That’s why I’m grateful that we were able to purchase it now, so that we can get it ready for the upcoming fire season, and any other emergency that may arise.”