Following the executive session at Monday’s monthly City Council meeting, City Manager Jeb Jones resigned effective April 12.
The vote to accept the resignation was unanimous.
There was speculation as to the reason for his departure, but the council declined to comment on what went on behind closed doors during the hour-long meeting.
“I would like to comment, but I can’t,” Mayor Todd Warren said after the meeting.
Vice Mayor James Hickman said at the end of the meeting that, “We appreciate the time and service for what you have done for the city.”
After the meeting he said, “It’s just one of those things. Mr. Jones is doing what’s best for him. I know he has a deep desire to serve the community as well. But he feels it’s time for him to check out another chapter in his life.”
A special council meeting will be held Thursday, March 6 at 5:30 p.m. to begin the search for a new city manager, which will be the fourth full-time manager the city has hired since the city voted to change to a city manager form of government in 2014.
During his three-year tenure the city has seen a growth in sales tax income, the renovation of the old city hall building, replacement of the water and sewer systems, construction of a splash pad and more.
His effort to convince the public to approve a 1-cent increase in the city sales tax to improve Eufaula’s streets failed to pass in an election held on Feb. 11.
Jones, 63, said after the council meeting that he was going to retire, relax and spend time with his grandkids.
“I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished. We tried to do the public right. We have them at the front of every de- cision we make. A lot of people don’t agree 100 percent with us, but our intentions were right … to do the best for the community. That’s the key,” Jones said.
Although he will retire, he said he probably will work at something, but he will enjoy his retirement.
“But mostly I want the freedom and flexibility to visit my grandkids and enjoy my family,” he said.
Jones doesn’t know where he and his wife, Pamela, will live. They rent a residence in Eufaula, but they own a home in far Northeastern Oklahoma.
He said they are deciding where they want to live.
“It is fluid,” Jones said. Prior to coming to Eufaula, he was public works director for the town of Commerce in Ottawa County.
Jones was hired on Feb. 14, 2022, replacing Jacob Foos, who resigned after three often contentious years in the position.
Jones has had a long relationship with Eufaula.
He was hired as director of Public Works in 2017 but resigned in May 2021 to accept a similar position in McAlester.
After eight months in McAlester, he applied for the city manager position left vacant by the resignation of Foos.
“My personal goal, I always wanted to be a city manager,” Jones said at the time of his hiring.
The most pressing issues facing him when he became city manager were the water project initiated by Foos, which is just winding down, and a sewer project, which was just getting underway.
He looked at other problems, including animal control and replacement of the city hall building.
When he took the job, he stressed the need for openness.
“So the community can see what we’re doing,” he said. “We’re proud of what we do. The administration has the best interest of the town at heart. We serve the public.”
Eufaula has had several city managers since the city adopted its new form of government in 2014.
Frank Kucish was hired as acting city manager while the council conducted a search for a permanent manager.
Greg Buckley was hired in May 2015 and held the position until he resigned to work for the City of Durant in 2017.
Steve Whitlock then became interim city manager while a search began for another permanent city manager.
Foos was hired in May 2018 and resigned in September 2021.
Adam White, then the city’s Director of Tourism and Development, was appointed interim city manager.
When Jones was hired, he said he planned to be here a long time.
“I relocated when I took the job of public works director in McAlester, now I will relocate back to Eufaula,” he said.