The Order of the Purple Heart will be presenting the Town of Vernon with its purple heart sign at a ceremony and dinner at 1 p.m. on Feb. 22.
For dinner, you must RSVP prior to the event to have your names added to the dinner list.
You may RSVP by calling Vernon City Hall at 918-6572514 or by emailing us at thecityofvernon@ The event is to honor Vernon Purple Heart recipients and wounded Vernon soldiers. All Vernon Veterans and descendants of Vernon Veterans are invited to come and honor their veteran relatives.
All media and dignitaries are also invited, any other veterans are welcome to come and help us honor their fellow veterans. As long as they wear their military uniform, hat or VFW hat, they will be admitted. Dinner is free to all who attend.
The event is being sponsored by the Vernon Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Vernon Charitable Foundation and the Town of Vernon.