For much of my life, I lived under the illusion that something just around the corner— something in the future—mattered more than the present. Maybe it was a thing I wanted, an event I anticipated, an accomplishment I thought would bring fulfillment.
I’m betting you too have coped with the mindset that the best isn’t here now: it’s somewhere ahead. It starts pre-school when we’re sure school days will be glorious, then middle school will be better, but not as amazing as high school. This mindset continues through becoming self-supporting, marrying, acquiring possession, having a family.
You’ve probably had many “when, then” ‘s in your life. “When such and such happens, then life will be awesome.” Just around the corner was always another challenge, another struggle, another goal, another vision, another dream, or another perceived prize.
Many motivational speakers nail it when they advise, “Don’t miss what you have now pursuing what you want later. Be grateful in the present.” Centuries ago the Apostle Paul recognized the deficits of daydreaming and the cure for day-to-day doldrums. 1 Corinthians 10:31 states, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
The key here is “whatever you do.” Whether you’re doing laundry, picking up your kids, running errands, sweeping the floor, studying for finals or something simple that seems insignificant— whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. Isn’t that what Jesus did?
I can imagine Jesus saying, “Whatever you do to have meaning in life, remember me, and do it for the glory of God.” Try it, and here’s a truth you will begin to recognize. The prize doesn’t have to be something that’s just out there around the corner somewhere. Not if we’re living for God here and now. So, be grateful right now!
Does the better-tomorrow mindset apply to you? Maybe your endless routine is filling bottles, changing diapers., folding piles of laundry, and picking up toys. Or maybe it’s making sales calls, striving to meet desired quotas, stressing about paying the bills. What would the Apostle Paul likely to say to you?
I think he would say “Whatever you do, do it with integrity, with purity of heart, with the humility of a servant, and with joy declaring that this task is now for the glory of God!” Follow this advice when you’re just doing normal things and be grateful in the middle of your grind. Living this way is not just waiting to get to heaven, it’s bringing heaven down to earth.
We at LECC would love for any and all unchurched grinders to visit us at 415987 Highway 9, Eufaula, where know our work is our reward right now. Our prize is in process now and in our small group Bible studies at 10 a.m., worship at 11 a.m., and Wednesday night activities at 6:30 p.m. Your joining us will give us another reason to be grateful.
God Bless You!
Jeremy Little, Minister.