The idea of living on mission with God has been LECC’s topic for a few weeks. From a personal standpoint, we’ve realized if we are Christians, then we have a mission – the Church’s great commission: to go and make disciples for Jesus Christ.
Beyond the personal level, we’ve also looked at mission partners supported by LECC on a statewide level, a global level, and the local level. However, one of our most important missions is here in our own church, impacting our own people every week: our Awaken Student Ministry and Kids Ministries.
We believe a church that does not invest in its young people is already dying, so we at LECC invest in training our youth to become Godly, well-rounded, trustworthy and unique leaders prepared to shine the light of Christ in a dark world. Last Sunday we had five different leaders of the Youth and Kids who brought the sermon message to our LECC family.
To open up the Sunday Service, Youth Minister Bo Banfield, who delivers sermons to our young people every Wednesday night and Bible study lessons every Sunday, told us, “I love it when our teens become do-ers of the word, and not just hear-ers only.”
Evidence of their “doing” is obvious every Sunday as some youth volunteer with our adult nursery workers to take the little ones under age five out of the sanctuary to play and pray with them during worship service; other high school teens welcome strangers before taking their usual first row pew, and others spill onto the stage to sing in the choir. For those youth who need a ride to church, Eli and Hannah Adams are often the ones who provide it. LECC has a brand new church van which will be used to drive the youth to retreats, camps, service trips, and concerts. Both Eli and his wife Hannah not only arrange activities on a weekly basis, but also disciple the youth in small groups and help provide counsel and a kind word, often in the kitchen where Hannah feeds them tasty meals each Wednesday night.
The younger children (our KidsMin Minis) are assisted in their spiritual growth by Cassidy Morgan, who enjoys “building a fun foundation for them to grow and learn about Jesus, letting them know they are important and have a purpose in the world.”
Kassie Huffman, KidsMin director, expressed gratitude for such an awesome group of young teachers, and quoted Matthew 18:14 when Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Young people here show us the true joy of following Jesus during our services at 415987 Highway 9, Eufaula. Small group Bible study is at 10 a.m., worship is at 11 a.m. and Wednesday night activities are at 6:30 p.m. Come meet our youth leaders, spend time with our church family and find many examples of once troubled teens and troubled adults who have found grace and encouragement through Jesus Christ. All are always welcome. Come be part of God’s Mission!
God Bless You!
Jeremy Little, Minister