Community support for Eufaula Memorial Library was evident Saturday night, Nov. 9, as a sizable crowd played bingo to raise funds to help pay off the library’s remaining renovation debt.
The bright, beautiful library, which recently reopened after weeks of being closed for needed repairs, still needs $22,106.50 to pay the rest of the repair bill, said Amanda Grantham, library branch manager.
The bingo event raised $2,893.50, a good start toward lowering that debit.
Grantham expressed her gratitude to the many businesses and individuals who donated prizes to help the cause and the numerous people who turned out to win them.
Prizes were donated not just by local businesses, but local library lovers like Shirley Phillips, whose 13 donations included many electrical kitchen appliances.
Also, many out-of-town businesses donated prizes ranging from manicures and restaurant meals to the biggest prize of the night—a 65-inch Roku TV donated by Walmart of McAlester.
Julie Duff of Krebs was excited to have won the 65inch TV.
Pictures of many winners are in this issue of the IJ and all pictures will be on display at the library.
As players daubed cards through 25 games, the library staff sold 50/50 tickets for a special 26th game which would split the proceeds between the winner and the library.
The pot became $355, and the winner—Teresa Stevenson—immediately donated $100 of her $178 prize back to the library. Merriment prevailed throughout the evening, with the multitude—even the losers—seeming to be happy to be helping out the library.
Anyone wanting to help with the library’s debt can do so by joining the Friends of the Eufaula Library.
All membership dues taken in at this time (only $5 per year) will go directly to lessen the outstanding debt.
Become a member by emailing or by calling FEML president Gail Rose at 918-770-2440.