Unfortunately, we were unable to change out the two 36 inch by 40 foot tin horns due to the 1 ½” of rain we received on Tuesday, Sept. 24. We will reschedule the project and notify the area residents to the best of our ability before starting. I anticipate the work will still be performed between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
On or around 5 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 19, I received a call from the Muscogee Nation Transportation Department offering to donate to us some APAC gravel. There were a couple of stipulations that required the gravel be placed on county roads listed on their Muscogee Nation inventory. We also would not be able to haul after 5 p.m. on Sept. 26 and must provide the transportation department the tickets by the end of business day on Friday the 27th.
We could not pass up this generous opportunity, so we hauled and laid gravel using three 10-wheelers from Friday the 20th through Thursday the 26th.
We were able to place 608 tons of one inch rock on the following roads: E 1194, S 4140, E 1180, and S 4130. McIntosh County District 2 was able to realize a savings of approximately $11,000 with this generous gift and effort.
Have a great week.