Unlicensed and underage drivers are not allowed to operate golf carts or similar vehicles in Eufaula.
“They create a dangerous situation,” said City Manager Jeb Jones. “They don’t have the experience to make the right decisions.
“We take this very seriously and if our officers observe unauthorized use of golf carts and ATVs, they will deal with it.” A lot of underage drivers have been seen by the public driving around Eufaula in a dangerous fashion.
As a reminder about the city ordinances related to golf carts and similar vehicles, Jones released the following: Ordinance 15-659: GOLF CARTS AND SIMILAR VEHICLES REGULATED: A. Golf carts, privately or publicly owned, and similar vehicles owned by the City of Eufaula, Oklahoma, may be operated on the streets and alleys of said City, under the following conditions: 1. Operation shall be during daylight hours only, except for those that are equipped with Department of Transportation (DOT) approved headlamps and taillamps that are properly attached and adjusted as required by title 47 Oklahoma Statutes 12-203 Headlamps, 47 Oklahoma Statutes 12-204 Tail Lamps, and 47 Oklahoma Statutes 12-206 Stop Lamps.
2. Operation must be only upon City authorized streets.
3. Operation must not occur on any State or Federal highway.
4. Operator of the vehicle must be a licensed driver.
5. Operators must provide proof of insurance, upon reasonable request during an accident investigation.
6. All State, County and local laws and regulations shall govern the operation of golf carts and similar vehicles within the City limits of Eufaula.
7. It shall remain illegal to operate ATVs and similar vehicles on the streets or alleys of Eufaula, Oklahoma. (Ord. 17-4-2, 4-32017)