County Commissioner Dist. 2
Political Party: Republican Hometown: Eufaula Current Town: Eufaula Education: Barber College Age: 51 Candidate Background: Volunteered 20 years and last 5 pres. Eufaula Round Up Club. Heavy equipment, trained as mechanic. Worked for engineer. Surveying.
1. Have you ever failed to pay any
taxes or court ordered judgements?
2. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? No
What are the top three messages of your campaign?
1. Engaging the public. 2. Financial aid for the county. 3. Helped form Muscogee Creek Nation. I’m a citizen.
What are the top three most pressing issues facing rural Oklahoma? How would you address these issues if elected?
1. Financial aid and grants = for infrastructure + roads = grants. Muscogee Nation 2. Safety issues throughout our rural area if elected (I will address) 3. Engaging constituents.
Explain your positions on economic development as it pertains to rural Oklahoma in general and Eastern Oklahoma in particular.
Definitely need more jobs taht pay a liveable wage. If we could get tribes to invest more in rural Oklahoma. Drugs are a problem econimically to so many families in rural Oklahoma.