– There was a trial for rape in this place before the Circuit court on Wednesday the 8th, which resulted in the conviction of the prisoner, Mr. Dirt, and he was sentenced to the National Prison for the term of 15 years.
– Mr. Eli Daugherty, of Cooweescoowee District, informs us that a train of three wagons, accompanied by a half dozen big desperate fellows, cleared the way for themselves a few days since across Priors creek, with shotguns in their hands without paying the lawful toll.
St. Paul, Nov. 16 – At Fairbault today the Younger brothers, Cole, James and Robert, were arraigned in the District Court on two indictments. The first is for complicity in the murder of Haywood, the bank cashier. The second charging Cole directly with the murder of the Swede Gustavon, Jim and Bob with complicity.
The work of tunneling the Hudson between Jersey City and New York is proceeding slowly, the company not caring to put on a full force of men until the right of way question has been settled.
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Friday, June 5,1903
A Fire Bell for Eufaula
A fire bell was shipped from St. Louis May 23 to the city of Eufaula. Since its arrival it has reposed in the freight room of the Katy depot.
Fire Chief Martin is awaiting the arrival of an extension ladder, axes, lanterns, etc. The bell will be put in position at the engine house between Moharts drug store and Ahrens’ dry goods store.
The New Trust Company
The Eufaula Trust Co. is ready for business in the court building on Foley Avenue. A carload of fixtures will be put in place and the furnishings will assume an appearance that would be a credit to any city.
They have an authorized capital of $250,000. C.E. Foley is president, C.H. Tully, vice president and W. W. Barrett is secretary and treasurer.
Town Cow Under Discussion
The city council held its regular meeting Monday night.
A petition largely signed by the citizens of Eufaula was presented asking that milch cows be permitted to run at large from April till October. An ordinance to this effect will probably be presented granting the request of the petition at the next meeting.
Thursday, March 6, 1924
WHISKY SLEUTH MAKES BIG HAUL IN McINTOSH COUNTY Five farms west of Eufaula – within a radius of two miles – were raided by federal officers Tuesday morning and liquor or stills found at each place.
Three men were brought to Muskogee and placed in the federal jail on charges of possession of liquor.
SON FINDS FATHER DEAD OF PARALYSIS Hanna, March 4 – Lying in bed W.H. Myers, 70, was found dead in his cabin seven miles north of Hanna. He was discovered by his son, W.D. Myers, who became alarmed over not seeing his father for a day. The son made an investigation that resulted in the discovery. Paralysis caused the mans death.
The First National bank of Eufaula, of which W.G. Morhart was president, closed its doors here Monday morning, and with the Oklahoma State, that was closed some two weeks ago, is to be merged and a new bank to be known as the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Eufaula, with a capital and surplus of $60,000, is to be organized.
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Thursday, February 24, 1944
STATE DEMOCRATS STAMP APPROVAL ON FOURTH TERM Oklahoma City, Feb. 22 – State democratic leaders at a meeting yesterday endorsed President Roosevelt as the man to win the war but lambasted the republicans and criticized two of Oklahoma’s largest newspapers.
State Young Demos Endorse Bob Kerr For Vice President
Oklahoma City, Feb. 22 – Oklahoma’s young democrats, in their first regular convention since the war began, today called for a fourth term for President Roosevelt and threw their weight behind Gov. Robert S. Kerr as a running mate.
Eufaula Youths Enlist As Aviation Cadet
Henry Stafford and Oral Lee Collie this week enlisted in the United States Army Air Forces as aviation cadets.
After being sworn in, the cadets were placed in the enlisted reserve corps. Upon call to active service the reservists will be sent to an army air base to begin their pre-flight training
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Thursday, January 27,1949
Thick Coating of Ice Slows All Activity
In Eufaula and Area
With the rest of Oklahoma and much of the Midwest, McIntosh county this week was buried under a heavy layer of ice that froze all but the meagerest activity, bringing extensive suffering to livestock and inconvenience to the people.
The worst siege of winter started in with a slow soaking rain late Saturday that turned to sleet Sunday. Freezing rain or sleet has continued all week, with only brief letups.
Public transportation in and out of Eufaula was interrupted, and mail service irregular. Bus service was halted after 4:30 p.m. Tuesday.
CHAGRINED WOLF-SLAYER RETURNS BOUNTY CHECK A check for $2.50 sent to Glen Edwards, Eufaula, as a wolf bounty bounced back to the Capitol Wednesday with this notation from McIntosh County Clerk Rufus C. Hogan: “Mr. Edwards refuses this warrant since it has been decided that the animal killed was not a wolf but a German police dog.”
Odell Horne Enters Race For Chief of Police Odell Horne, 41-year-old ex-serviceman and farmer, became the third candidate to enter the race for chief of police of the city of Eufaula this week. C.C. Casey, incumbent, and Carl Brady, night policeman, have already said they would be candidates.
Thursday, May 2,1974
Clem McSpadden For Governor Cattle Sale, May 11 Max Nelson, Jackie Williams and their fellow workers are getting at least 20 head of cattle pledged from McIntosh County for a special McSpadden for Governor cattle sale at McAlester, May 11, starting at 1 p.m.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Cook-Off Hosts crowds
The Eufaula Area Chamber of Commerce hit it big Saturday with their first annual “Oklahoma State Championship Chili Cook-off.”
The weather was great, and business was steady all day during the events and competition.
DA called jail before Sept. breakout
Assistant McIntosh County District Attorney Greg Stidham said that on the night of Tuesday, Sept. 6 a caller that Stidham would not identify on record, telephoned and told him that two inmates Justin and Jason Cox – were planning to break out of the McIntosh County Jail in Eufaula.
According to Stidham, the caller was specific.
“That person advised that it was going to be that night, who it was going to be, and what cell they were in,” said Stidham.
“I placed a call to the County Jail and I relayed the information to the person there and just suggested that they should check it and keep an eye out.
“That’s the last I knew of the matter until I came to the DA’s Office the next morning and was advised that there was a jailbreak.”