Thursday, Sept. 28,1876
Front page ad:
GEO. ZUFALL; blacksmith and Wagon Maker; Main St., Muskogee, IT; SPRING WAGONS of all descriptions; MANUFACTURED and ALWAYS ON HAND; Wagons repaired at short notice; horse shoeing, and all kinds of BLACKSMITH WORK; done on the most reasonable terms and satisfaction guaranteed.
Bond Required of Those Who Remain in Choctaw Nation
Citizens of the United States who apply for permits to remain in the Choctaw Nation are not only required to give bond and securities for the faithful performance of the obligations resting upon them, but the application must also be signed by at least twenty reputable citizens vouching that of their own knowledge the applicant is of a good moral character, industrious, sober and not a gambler, and still the cry goes up hat the Indians will not civilize. – Indiana Herald
Civil War Veterans Reunion
The reunion of Federal soldiers engaged in the late war, in Indianapolis, Sept. 20, was attended by a large number of them, including many distinguished officers: General Logan, General Garfield, General Burnside and General Negley and Gov. Hartranft.
Guilty of Utah Massacre
J.D. Lee has been found guilty at Beaver Court, Utah, Sept. 20, of murder, committed in the Mountain Meadow massacre, 1857, in which more than 120 emigrants to California, including men, women and children, were put to death.
120 YEARS AGO Friday, April 10,1903
City Council
The city council met in regular session Monday night and transacted business until a late hour.
Accounts against the city amounting to $209.88 were allowed.
A petition of the chief of the fire department asking for certain necessary accessions, such as extension ladders, fire axes, etc., was granted.
A lightning contract of the Eufaula Light & Power Co., was accepted.
The cemetery committee reported than one Rabbit Johnson had lain claim to the ground occupied by the colored cemetery as a part of his allotment and that the matter had been referred to the Indian Agent.
Farmers Taking Stock
Farmers living in the section of the county where Eufaula desires to extend her trade are taking stock in the North Canadian bridge.
This is encouraging and ensures Eufaulas future as a commercial center in southeastern Creek nation. The farmers who have taken stock are J.M. Price, A.E. Raiford, W.L. Vernon, Mrs. Kate Downing, William Backman, Dave Martin and John Hensley.
Eiler’s Big Pavilion TEN NIGHTS IN BAR ROOM CO.
40 people, superb band and orchestra; high class specialties; snakes, dragoons, calcium effects, all the latest subjects in Moving Pictures between acts.
Will Exhibit at EUFAULA, I.T., THURSDAY, APRIL 16TH Evening Only – Under Canvass
100 YEARS AGO Thursday, January 18,1923 BOOTLEGGERS HIT HARD IN COUNTY COURT 12 Men Convicted On Whiskey Charge Here Last Week
Doc Smith and Virgil Verrol, both white men, were convicted in county court yesterday on the charge of manufacturing intoxicants and were given fines and jail sentences.
Smith drawing a $60 fine and 30 days in jail while Verroll was sentenced to 60 days imprisonment and a $60 fine.
Trail of a whiskey ring that operated a gigantic moonshine still in the side of a hill near Onapa, McIntosh County, leads to Muskogee, according to Sheriff M.B. Moore.
The plant was found Thursday in a carefully concealed dug-out that had been blasted into a hill of slate, one mile south of and two miles west of Onapa.
It is the largest moonshine still ever seized in Mc-Intosh county and one of the largest ever seized in Eastern Oklahoma.
POLITICAL PLUM TO EUFAULA LADY After a har political fight I which Mrs. V.B. Gorman of Muskoge was slated for the appointment of State Pardo and Parole officer, was sidetracked. Gov. Walton Tuesday afternoon appointe Mrs. W.B. Young of this city to that position.
Thursday, January 14, 1943
Local Youth Youngest Legislative Floor Boss In The United States
Kirksey Nix, born and reared in Eufaula and elected to the legislature for the third consecutive term from McIntosh County, was named floor leader of the 19th legislative session that convened at the State Capitol in Oklahoma City this week.
Nix, who is only 27, has the distinction of being the youngest legislature floor leader in any legislative body in the United States. He was a strong and active supporter of the new governor, Robert Kerr, and is a leading administration spokesman.
Free textbooks, constitutional clemency reforms and shortcut to a debt-free state were advocated by Gov. Robert S. Kerr before the 19th legislature Tuesday in a message studded with surprises.
30 Rounds of Fighting At Dixie Gymnasium Here Friday night
Eufaula opens its boxing season with 30 rounds of boxing between the Prague squad and the hometown boxers at Dixie gymnasium Friday night at 8 o’clock.
Thursday, December 2,1948
Engineers Give Formal Notice Of Hearing On Reservoir Formal notice of the public hearing on the North and South Canadian river sites of the Eufaula Reservoir, was issued this week by Col. C.H. Chorpening, district engineer of the Corps of Engineers, Tulsa.
Engineers will be on hand to explain the proposed flood control project in detail and hear statements of all interested persons.
The project report has been completed over a two-year period and considers the building of the two alternate dams, and possibly a third in lieu of the one large dam located 12 miles east of Eufaula.
Sewer Action Postponed
City officials have delayed any further action on a bond election to finance sewer expansion in Eufaula, pending outcome of the current move to have Congress appropriate funds to commence work on the Eufaula reservoir.
Still Operators Plead Guilty
Claud Grider and Allen Free, charged with unlawful possession of a still in northwest McIntosh county, changed their plea of not guilty to guilty this week and began serving 30-day sentences in the county jail.
Thursday, February 28, 1974
Q’Back Club Plans Annual Boxing Tourney March 18-23 Members of the Eufaula Quarterback Club met Wednesday night, Feb. 13 and set the date for the 1974 Eufaula Open Boxing Tournament to be held here March 18-23.
Stoney Hardcastle To Write Book Review Novelist Stoney Hardcastle, writer of “The Eufaula Fallins,” has been invited to write a review of the new novel “Jedcrow,” by Mark Eldon.
Thursday, January 29,1998
Council Approves Love’s Contract
The City Council approved the concept of the contract for Love’s Country Store. A contract has been sent to Greg Love but at the time of the meeting, no response had been received.
Included in the proposed contract was a payment plan which involved an initial payment that would be large enough to cover the expenses to be incurred by the city to prepare the site for construction of the convenience store.
McAlester Chamber Names Judge Taylor ‘Citizen Of The Year” McAlester Chamber of Commerce named District Judge Steven Taylor as Citizen of the Year at its annual banquet Jan. 16.
Judge Taylor was surprised with the honor, and in fact had considered not attending the event because he had not been assigned any duties for the evening.
Coon Hunt Jamboree Set
The Eufaula Lake Coon Hunt Jamboree is set for Jan. 29, 30, 31 at the Fairgrounds.
A Field Trial & Treeing contest starts at 11 a.m. Jan. 31.
There will be a Coon Hound Auction at 3 p.m.
Saturday. Dogs will be sold to the highest bidder.