“In the small game woods, the most basic yet most important hunting skills are honed; skills like hunter safety, attention to detail, strategy, stealth, proper firearms handling and marksmanship. These are the building blocks of an effective, enjoyable hunting career that will pay dividends over time. And we’re inviting hunters to (re) discover the benefits that small game hunting can bring to the outdoor experience.” – Excerpt from the Wildlife Department’s “Small Game: A Guide for Hunters” blog on the Outdoor Oklahoma Journal It’s January, and some may have already turned their attention from hunting as they start a new year. But make no mistake! Hunting for small game like squirrels and rabbits should not be an afterthought.
We’ve compiled a small game guide on our blog, the “Outdoor Oklahoma Journal” to help you learn a little more about squirrel and rabbit hunting.
Squirrel and rabbit seasons capture the very best of the outdoors – glorious weather, good company and varied landscapes. In the small game woods, the most basic yet most important hunting skills are honed; skills like hunter safety, attention to detail, strategy, stealth, proper firearms handling and marksmanship. These are the building blocks of an effective, enjoyable hunting career that will pay dividends over time. And we’re inviting hunters to (re)discover the benefits that small game hunting can bring to the outdoor experience.
In Oklahoma, fox squirrels can be found statewide, and the smaller gray squirrel can be found east of I-35. Generous harvest limits and a lengthy season afford you the opportunity to hunt squirrels in fruit trees in the spring and summer, and in the bare, leafless treetops during fall and winter. And don’t let anyone tell you that squirrel meat isn’t fit for the chef ’s kitchen.
There are also three species of rabbits in Oklahoma; the cottontail, swamp rabbit, and jackrabbit. All three are available to hunt and provide excellent meat for the table.
It’s high time hunters are reminded of the benefits of squirrel and rabbit hunting in Oklahoma. Opportunities are widely available and accessible to both prospective and experienced hunters. You don’t have to hike far into the woods or brush to find good habitat and game, yet the avid hiker can walk to their heart’s content in pursuit of new spots. With long seasons and liberal harvest limits, squirrel and rabbit seasons can accommodate even the busiest of life schedules. And there are numerous resources to help hunters gain an awareness and understanding of how to find game and be successful. In short, an exploration of small game hunting will challenge your assumptions about just how simple and easy it is to get outdoors for a few hours of good hunting in Oklahoma.