Greetings from Friendly Lake Eufaula Area Supporters, aka F.L.E.A.S.
Sheryl Tanner, Vice President, called the meeting to order in the absence of President, Kay Rogers.
Many members brought guests and potential new members.
After a brief business meeting, Kay Owens, Program Chair, introduced the guest speaker, Lori Fullbright, Channel 6 news anchor in Tulsa.
Ms. Fullbright spoke to the group about “Scams,” gave specific tips on how to recognize a scammer and how to avoid a scammer.
The information she shared was extremely informative and well received by the membership.
After entertaining questions from the ladies, and before Lori left to return to Tulsa, she gave each person in the audience a whistle as protection when out and about. She let everyone know that the quickest deterrent to avoid a potential stalker, robber, etc. was to make a loud distracting noise.
Good news was shared, door prizes and a half pot raffle were awarded.
The VFW Auxiliary served a delicious salad luncheon, vegetable, fruit and cheese charcuterie board and dessert.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 27 at 10 a.m. at the VFW in Eufaula.
If you are interested in learning more about F.L.E.A.S., meeting new people in the area, and enjoying a variety of social activities along with philanthropic projects in the community, please contact Kay Rogers at 405-202-9874.
All are WELCOME.