Day in and day out it feels like we are plugged into every electrical device out there. From our computers to our smartphones to our Fitbits, we are constantly plugged into work, social media, and the chaos of the world around us. We scroll endlessly and mindlessly through our social media instead of working on the task at hand which can make us very unproductive at work and a t home. However, the upside of unplugging before it gets ugly helps you become more present in what you need to be doing and it makes you focus on what is really important.
Have you ever tried to carry on a conversation with someone who isn’t looking at you but instead is glued to their phone? Whether they are “just checking their email or their texts from someone real quick” it can make you feel not appreciated or important.
Social media is so prevalent and packaged to make us think that if we miss a week of “connecting with our so-called friends” then we won’t know what’s going on in our world. When in fact, if you missed a week or two of social media you may find out what is really going on in your little world instead of worrying about what’s going on in everybody else’s world. You may even make time for yourself again, your kids, your family and your peace of mind.
Our state of well being depends on what we feed it all the time. Are you feeding it with positive images and thoughts or are you in the comparison game with all your social friends? You see, all you see is that your friend got a new ride but you didn’t see all the long hours of work he took to get that sweet ride. Or you see the smiling faces of families on vacation but you didn’t see the screaming match as they loaded into the car to make it to the airport on time, almost missing their flight. No, we don’t usually post the struggles of daily living. We highlight only the good endings. But that’s not reality now is it?
However, just unplugging from all electronics for as long as you possibly can does help you unwind and even get the much needed rest you have been depriving yourself from by staying plugged in 24/7.
I suggest you go outside and listen to the birds sing. Grab a good book and catch up on some quiet reading. Take that much needed stroll around the block or hike up the hill. Stay in your pajamas all day, have a cup of tea or coffee and look through old pictures or take a nap in the afternoon while the world keeps going. Do something to unplug before it gets ugly. Yes, I know most of us like socializing, but there is something about stripping it all down, turning it all off, and finding your center again.
I challenge you to just unplug for one day and see the difference it can make in your life. Filter out that negativity and find your positivity once again. You’ll be glad you unplugged before it got ugly.