Stories from the past
June 7, 1883 140 years ago
When sad and melancholy events occur around us, when rude assaults of afflictions wring our hearts of our friends and neighbors and when they are, by nature, beyond our reach or control, it is well always to let them pass out of memory as quick as possible unless we propose to dwell in contemplation upon them in the hope of learning lessons of value to ourselves.
••••• June 5, 1913 110 years ago
(as printed in the McIntosh County Democrat)
Both the Indian Journal and the Republican at Eufaula are under new management.
Eufaula has set the precedent in newspaper properties both have changed hands within a period of ten days.
The first to change both ownership and name was the Eufaula Republican, which has been presided over by Virgil Winn. The new owner is County Treasurer Neal Winner, former publisher of the Checotah Enquirer and has changed the name to the Eufaula Democrat.
The second transfer and one which came as a great surprise to the friends of the oldest paper in Oklahoma was the disposal of the Indian Journal by Dr. R.B. Buford to two well known Eufaula citizens, Messrs, Clark & Mullen. The deal was completed Saturday and on Monday the new proprietors were in charge.
Here’s to the publishers of both the Journal and the Democrat, may your troubles be few and the coins roll steadily into the cash box.
••••• June 6, 1913 Eufaula Democrat Journal changes hands
Monday morning of this week Prof. Mullins, who has been one of the teachers in the city schools the past year, and L.I. Clark became the owners of the Indian Journal of this city and immediately will take charge of the plant. Both of these young men are progressive and energetic and plan to incorporate more countywide news to keep readers informed of what is going on in McIntosh county to make it a better newspaper.
••••• June 5, 1903 120 years ago
The city council held its regular meeting Monday night. A petition largely signed by the citizens of Eufaula was presented asking that milch cows be permitted to run at large from April till October.
A fire bell for Eufaula
A fire bell was shipped from St. Louis May 12, to the city of Eufaula.
Since its arrival it has reposed in the freight room of the Katy Depot.
The city council will pass an ordinance fixing a penalty for ringing the bell except in case of fire.
••••• June 6, 1918 105 years ago
The Seuss building is near its completion and will soon be occupied by Mr. Suess’ Furniture and Undertaking establishment. Another seventy foot front brick building was begun Monday immediately north of the courthouse. This building is to be occupied by the Plock Furniture Co.
On the corner of Main and High Streets another two-story office building is to be erected.
••••• June 1, 1933 90 years ago Checotah youths claim “Pretty Boy” held them
The name of Pretty Boy Floyd which has been missing from the annals of crime for the past few months was linked with the kidnapping of Edgar Clark and A.J. Martin, Jr. , both of Checotah, who Friday returned home and reported that they had been held captive by two men, one believed to be Floyd, in a field near Okemah the night before.
The supposed Floyd and a companion towed in a wrecked car to a Checotah garage Thursday, hired Clark and Martin to drive them to an unannounced destination before the identity of Floyd had been disclosed to Bill Counts, night marshal by another Checotahan.
••••• June 7, 1923 100 years ago Will swear in Indian Chiefs
Mrs. Alice B. Davis of Wewoka will within a few days become the first woman chieftain of an Oklahoma Indian tribe according to announcements made Monday.
Storefront of two houses are blown out here Stepchecks Hardware Store and Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company in path of storm A terrific wind storm coming from the southwest struck Eufaula early Friday morning and besides injuring crops, trees and houses and blew down the brick front of Mike Stepcheck Hardware Store and the windows at the office of the Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company.