We live in a world today where the next generation has a misguided sense of entitlement. They have a self-absorbed view with little regard to their impact on anyone else. They simple believe they are more deserving of things than you are. They are entitled to the best simply because they exist.
However, entitlement goes against reality because believe it or not, life is not fair, and you aren’t going to be given everything just because you think you should be. Where did you read the fine print that said, “You don’t have to work for what you get in life?” When did you get the “you owe me” attitude? Why do you feel like you are more deserving of special treatment or that rules or policies do not apply to you because you should be treated with special favors?
Back when I was a child I remember how my grandfather would hire anyone who wanted to work, but you would work for your pay no matter your age. Yes, we were expected to work to get paid. Even though I was six years younger than my oldest brother and three years younger than my other brother, I was expected to do what I was capable of doing. This included hauling square bales of hay that were close to my weight, feeding animals on the farm which included cows, horses, chickens and dogs, working in the gardens, plus mowing the yard. Just because I was small didn’t mean that I couldn’t do my part. I guess that’s why I will always be grateful for living on a farm. We learned that everyone did their part and that’s how we all reaped the benefits and the blessings of a hard day of work.
So what happened? When did America become a land of such entitled individuals that don’t know how to work as a team, but instead only think about themselves and what they are entitled to? When did the world turn upside down and so many people start depending on the government to survive (which is really a joke because it’s OUR taxes at work).
I used to think that it was just the rich that felt entitled, which often they do. They think they are above others because of their social status and excessive income. But now I see another group of individuals coming along who believe they are entitled because they were born into poverty. They have the mentality that everyone owes them. They think they shouldn’t have to work to eat or to live where they live. Everything should just be given to them because they are entitled.
Unfortunately our country is leaning more and more toward this messed up mentality. With each generation, we are seeing a growing entitlement mindset. There is a generation of adults (not children anymore but adults) born between 1982 and 1995, known as “Generation Y.” They were raised to believe that it is their right to have everything given to them more than any other previous generation. And with each generation, entitlement is just getting worse.
The Public Relations Society of America has even conducted a series of surveys on the American public to determine whether or not there was a growing trend of entitlement being spread throughout popular opinion. The results showed that indeed a trend had sprouted within society that more and more citizens were beginning to expect institutions and others to provide for them rather than providing for themselves.
Today there is such a great divide between the older and younger generations – the ones that grew up working hard for everything they have and the next generation holding out their hands expecting everything to just be given to them. This unhealthy attitude began years ago with our generation “babying” the next generation so they could have an “easier life” than we had been given. Unfortunately, this good-intentioned decision has made for a generation of entitled children who now misunderstand the true meaning of working for a living.
Today, entitlement is killing our next generation who say there aren’t any jobs when there’s signs on almost every other businesses begging for help. But this generation doesn’t even know how to work hard and at this rate what will happen when our generation retires and doesn’t have the means to keep feeding these “entitled children” and giving them handouts for everything.
I still remember when I was 19 and I got my first official job (aside from mowing yards and babysitting). I drove an hour one way to waitress for 10-12 hours to make enough money to make my car payment and other bills. I even remember how much that payment was – a whopping $254 and some change. It seemed like a lot back then, but nothing compares to my $700 car payment now. Of course that doesn’t include my house payment, insurance, healthcare, utilities, groceries, gas – and the list goes on and on. However, I am grateful for what I have earned – penny by penny, dollar by dollar.
Entitlement will never bring appreciation for things not worked for and earned. So somehow we have to get back to teaching the next generation that the world doesn’t owe them anything. It’s time to work for everything and be proud of earning it.