Newly elected 2nd District Congressman Josh Brecheen, R-Okla., wasted no time in identifying his political leanings when he met with more than two dozen constituents during a town hall meeting at VFW Post 8798 on May 2.
“I am on the far right; I am a strict constructionist,” he said. “I’m very conservative. I’m a member of the Freedom Caucus.
“Some of you may be on the far left.” But he says the division is no reason the extremes can’t get along and agree to disagree.
He compared the differences to a family that may argue, but still get along.
“I don’t always agree with my wife. She’d probably tell you because I’m always wrong.”
He urged everyone to hear each other and to work together for a common goal.
“Be kind. Hear each other out,” he said. “Try to listen to each other.
“Just because I disagree with you doesn’t mean I hate you. We really need to focus on those who are our real enemy, those who want to destroy this country.”
He criticized FOX news corporation, who lost a half-billion-dollar lawsuit for lying, for firing controversial right wing TV host Tucker Carlson days after the lawsuit was settled.
“They made a foolish decision to take Tucker Carlson off the air. Tucker Carlson had our back. I liked almost everything he did and said. Only Tucker Carlson had our back. I miss him already,” Breechen said.
He thanked everyone for attending the town hall meeting, an event that he says is becoming less common around the nation because of the violence and disruptive behavior that often occurs at the events.
He noted that while town hall meetings are becoming rare in the rest of the country , not so in Oklahoma.
Before accepting questions from the audience, and listening to their complaints, he warned that the country is in dire straits because of the 31 trillion dollars in national indebtedness.
He said if action isn’t taken, Medicare will hit insolvency in 2028 and Social Security in 2033.
“There are gaping holes in mismanagement,” he said.
Cuts to entitlement programs are necessary to save them, he said.
“We’re in a mess. Elected people tell us what we want to hear. When I ran for office I said I’m going up there to cut, to get our fiscal house in order.”