Men have a small amount of breast tissue, and that means they can be affected by breast cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, men’s breast tissue has ducts, but
Men have a small amount of breast tissue, and that means they can be affected by breast cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, men’s breast tissue has ducts, but only few, if any, lobules. That’s because men do not have enough female hormones to promote the growth of breast cells. Breast cancer can be separated into several types based on what the cancer cells look like under the microscope. They can be in-situ, meaning non-invasive or pre-invasive. They also may be invasive types that have spread to the ducts in the breast tissue. Breast cancer is about 100 times less common among men than among women. Only about 2,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in men this year. But men who feel lumps or other anomalies in the area around the nipple should consult their physicians.